I use Flash Cs4 to draw cartoons

Age 30, Other

Joined on 11/25/14

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PhantomArcade's News

Posted by PhantomArcade - March 14th, 2024



Posted by PhantomArcade - January 1st, 2024

Let's check dis shit


So work wise, it's been a damn time, that's for sure. All memes aside, progress has been really steady. Directing a game is a pretty new experience for me, alongside running a company. Directing a game means sharing your ideas and plans in a way that they can be translated into actual work, and then finished. And on top of actually directing the game, making art n assets with it I think is a fun combo, since I'm able to go from concept to functional assets pretty swiftly.


(Pico animation asset for the game from this year done on stream)

I've always liked to think of it like how manga authors have to get their weekly chapters done, Funkin feels like the video game version of that. The challenge of making a game though is to be in-sync with a team of people who can help execute those ideas. I can think up story, I can think up gameplay, and I can make the assets to make those things real. But how do I go about syncing up with a team to execute code and everything else necessary to make that happen? If I'm planning a specific animation to appear at a set time, with a fade or flash of light that needs to be programmed, how do you make sure the programmers get that info and make sure it's put in properly?


(Another on-stream goody!)

Well my tarted ass has spent the better part of nearly 3 fucking years trying to figure that out, and while things are going well, I really won't ever be happy til that manga-like clockwork schedule is realized. BUT.

Long ass rant aside, I think I'm closer to my goal. So in my book, 2023 was chill.


True as fuck! In the wise words of Chris Chan....


This year was dope, simply put. I feel like I got to have a lot of unique experiences that I'll never forget. For as buried under work as I am, I wouldn't have it any other way.


Early on I went to Canada to work with Ninjamuffin IRL for 2 months. Until, oops, fell off a bike in a foreign country and busted my ankle! Time to head home.





But before I know it, the NG office is full of visitors from the TMG meet up! A lil shot of IvanAlmighty signin some sketchbooks at his desk, right across from where I work.





Extra special was having Cam and for the first time Isaac out with us too here in PA. The IRL work visits kept on chuggin





And then.... back to Canada for more IRL work. Honestly, I did a lot of traveling this year. At one point I was even working on Funkin at 30,000 feet in the air!





Getting to see Wandaboy was probably my favorite part of the August canada trip... getting to meet Lukas and Emrox in the flesh was a close second tho.





Then it was off to LA with Cory to visit Chris for a bit. Chris was always the designated driver while me and Cory were designated hand-job givers. It was a fair system

Side note: I also met jnoel out there, which felt so crazy. Taterman too! Meeting any Newgrounders IRL is always such a treat.





Immediately after that, I had to rush back in time for the end of the year Newgrounds meet up. Snapped this pic of Tom, lol. We're all just characters in Tom Fulp's little world....





And Cam had come back for that as well, so it was a crazy ping-pong of us going back n forth across countries. I'm always wishing more can get done, but all things considered it was a cool year.

Serious posts ain't normally my style, but writing these up during the long development dark-ages I think will be fun for me to look back on once I finally get the see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Happy 2024!




Posted by PhantomArcade - September 22nd, 2023

Kickin' back watchin cartoons all daaaayaaayyaaayaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy




Posted by PhantomArcade - December 31st, 2022

What a fuckin time man. God damn.

Normally I'm not much of one for these yearly recaps, but I feel like it might be fun to chronicle shit once n a while. If I remember right, at some point Egoraptor would do this kinda thing every now n again, and at the time while waiting between cartoons of his, those posts kept my ass fed. Plus really humanize someone who seemed like a living cartoon character which made dream feel possible. But anyway, you get the deal. Let's think over the year together... ahhh, what a whistful time....




In January, Ninjamuffin and myself had just finished setting up the The Funkin' Crew Inc after procrastinating on it for a year, lmao. So It was kinda a nice relief month where we had finally achieved some important shit, as well as got our first taste ever of working together in-person. Given Cam's someone I've known for years, it was bizarre to put a face to the voice! Or well, spunkey text mostly, but you get me. And just recently Demon Slayer season 2 had wrapped up with it's cool finale. So really January was feeling just like a cozy nice month.

Tangential to setting up a company was game development, but with company stuff having calmed down, now we really wanted to challenge ourselves to wrapping up our work and getting it out into people's hands. Though it's funny how loose ends can really get ya! From taxes, to contracts, to even finalizing album art... lotta stuff crept up! Though around each turn, slowly but carefully we got helping hands on board to solve issues. In terms of the album art which had finally eaten up WAY too much time, @brekkist was brought on board to help out as a general art / animation assistant.

You know I didn't really sit down to write a Funkin recap, but more a year recap. But hey, directing a video game kinda takes up your brain, so my thoughts really are just 90% Funkin. And every gap inbetween those thoughts, is video games! So really the next big landmark of the year, you guessed it, Elden Ring!




Once Elden Ring came out, it pretty much took over the entire Newgrounds office. Try as we might, we had all been cursed to the Lands Between, and only the guidance of grace could save us. Hell, even Tom took like a week off if I remember right, to just comb all of Limgrave and it's unholy secrets.

After an initial honeymoon phase with the game, unlike Cory who beat it in a week or something fuckin deranged like that, Elden Ring was on the back burner (took like til damn August to finish) and the Funkin crunch began. And life is just damn funny man, aside from about 50 billion boring real-life issues cropping up constantly, on the work side of things, the Erect Mixes I asked KawaiSprite to make while we slaved away.... they wrapped up! So now as we tried to tie down the reins on the current content, an order I put in came through. Trying to fit it all in lead the crunch to be enough to post-pone the update to an unannounced date...




As work continued with a fresh mindset and new approaches to development, July came sooner than expected, and I decided on a whim to take up Brekkist's offer of sharing his Anime Expo table with him. It was great meeting our very scary and psychotic fans! That was a damn good refreshing time, I even stopped by Chris' place to chill out and record some Oney Plays for the hell of it.

Big thanks to both Alex (Brekkit's buddy!) who let me stay at his place during the event. Seriously, this dude was getting up after 3 hours of sleep at like 6am to make me and Brek iced coffee for breakfast before table running. What a champ!

And of course thanks to Chris, for letting me stay at your place! Watching anime n browsing classic Newgrounds vids, what better summer can there be?


Hey, it's me! At Brekkit's Anime Expo table!

Returning home, work continued as usual. Having worked for a while on Nightmare Cops, and still helping on it to this day, I definitely got a sense of how daunting and large game development can be. Though really it's just insane how you can work every single day, and just end up with months literally feeling like they're disappearing. The quality of the work is way higher working like that, but god damn! Time just melts. Sometimes when I wonder if all this is normal, or maybe better said, want someone to relate to on this issue, I always go back to this NG newspost.... heheheh. Anyway!


I'd say the light in the dark around then was that FINALLY, Dragonball Super Super Hero came to US theaters! Since the beginning of the year, Akira Toriyama's work has fuckin carried my body around like a corpse in an angel's arms, giving me strength every day. So getting to see a movie, especially one that has the most involvement from the creator of ANY of the movies... fuck... FUCK it was so good. Words can't even describe it man. Saw that shit like 3 times, one of which was with every single person at the NG office. Those moments really make the year honestly.

To catalogue this with more concrete stuff, in August I did a piece for @panpikidaan (kiku)'s friend's Tankman zine art thing! Sorta as an homage to Toriyama's Dr. Slump illustration.




It had been in the cards for a while, but finally the September trip of @ninjamuffin99 and @wandaboy to Pennsylvania had come to be so. Having fresh faces in town made for a lot of fun, and a lot of nice work getting done. Working in person is nice, since communicating ideas is just way easier to do irl. Plus it's sorta good to breathe down each other's necks and not let the other sleep, you feel motivated seeing the game get updated in real time! Plus, telling Cam what I want, giving him the art to make it real, SEEING him add it in, and then him adding his own twists on top of it... really can't even explain just how magical it is.


Cam passed out on the Newgrounds couch after a long day of work... and Mario64 speedrun watching while eating dinner

Though, light casts shadows, as they say... it's even harder to resist playing video games and eating McDonalds when you've got guests, haha. But hey, life's meant to be damn lived. After Cam headed home, Wanda chilled w me n grinded on his latest cartoon that I lent a small hand with. Around this time, it was a fun routine of grinding in flash from like 4pm to midnight, then going home and playing Resident Evil Mercenaries 3DS while watching near death compilations til like 7am every day.

After Wanda headed off, I was due out to Canada for more IRL FNF development as per planned a ways back... too bad everyone in Canada got covid... d'oh. But, with Chainsaw Man airing (caught up on the manga this year!) and Callisto Protocol coming out, continuing a non-crunch work life ain't so bad. Though a year's worth of working like a goon lead once again to a VItamin D deficiency... As good ol Ivan Alighty would put it... "aw man..."

If you're feeling constantly drained, light headed like you're gonna pass out, everything feels foggy, and your memory is bad.... you've been staying up too late and getting no sunlight probably. Don't be a dope like me, make sure to watch out for that stuff. Praying I don't even up with Togashi body, so best to not ignore shit. ANYWAY




Reaching the end of the year here, JohnnyUtah was contemplating how he'd do the NG 2022 Christmas site skin even with all his current Nighmare Cops work... yoink! Ya boy snatched that one, and hey, I had damn fun doin it! Hell, I limped my ass inside after, no joke, getting hit by a fucking car, and finished the skin. And I'd still say it was a highlight of the year for me, even with a busted back!


As the year comes to a close, it's kinda tough to really recall the year in depth. (That's probably the vitamin deficiency) It's been kind of a struggle honestly, even though me and everyone at the NG office + the Funkin crew continue to soldier on. I guess I'm pretty lucky to have all these friends, as well as the support of all the people excited for what we're making. Both Funkin, Nightmare Cops, and even just everyone who enjoys Newgrounds + all the random bits of art we post along the way. It was a fun year of being 27, and I'm just really excited to finally have the mountain of shit we've been working on come out.

Maybe before I talk about any more work or art, probably the part I'll enjoy looking back on if I read this in like 10 years is this. I fucking LOVE working at Newgrounds! I fucking love seeing Tom Fulp everyday! I fucking love getting to make video games and art in Flash everyday! I love getting to help work on the greatest Tom Fulp game ever made! I love that I get to make my own game and tell my own story as well! Even small things like working until 6am, and seeing Cory's groggy face as he wakes up and puts on IrateGamer opening toys and falls asleep again. I love when Jeff wanders over to my desk and peeks at my drawings and we laugh sharing ideas. I love interrupting Tom while he's coding and telling him a 5 minute story that slowly ramps up to be about Starbucks employees beating me up and jerking off and wait to see the look on his face when he realizes it's fake, and hearing Jeff laugh on the other side of the cubicle! I love seeing Ivan's immaculate drawings as we wistfully talk about the future! I love hearing Nightmare Cops music blaring throughout the building as they test the levels, the map theme by Chris is burned into my mind. I love the way Jeff pulls his headphones down to listen in on when Tom n Cory are shooting the shit while game testing. I love playing Nightmare Cops, and I love showing everyone what I'm working on and them offering ideas. Even stuff like Jeff's adlibing during Week 7... God. All the collabs, every cartoon, every drawing, every conversation, every day every moment. Every smile I see them crack, even the hard times and their sighs. Even the worst days are enjoyable being surrounded by these guys.

I could be reborn a thousand times and never live a better life than this. Even before Funkin, even on days where I didn't have a dime to my name. Every day was the best day on earth, and all my friends makes it that way.

Thank you to everyone who supports Newgrounds and lets these days continue.

You're all gay. Lol. Happy 2023!










PS. Well, there's so much I honestly CAN'T talk about due to keeping things secret! Funkin fans are the most passionate fans of like... anything, ever! So for that reason, we have to keep ALL work close to our chest, it's a good problem to have! But rest assured that throughout everyday of the year, we grinded on the game and are putting in our all. In particular, I've had a grand vision that with Ninjamuffin by my side co-directing, we've worked very very hard to achieve. Maybe after this long a wait, it's hard to hold your breath, but I'M personally excited for people to see all the stuff I've dreamed up and made possible with my friends and all the thousands of hours we've poured into making it. Thank you all!

Selfie time, bling!




Posted by PhantomArcade - December 7th, 2021



Posted by PhantomArcade - May 28th, 2021

Just checkin in homie, what’s good. Curious how my boy Isaac doin too.


Posted by PhantomArcade - December 19th, 2020

Damn, there was this game on here called Friday Night something but I just can't recall what it was...



Posted by PhantomArcade - January 1st, 2018

Happy New Year Newgrounds!

Are you going to Magfest? Huge fan of Newgrounds? Always wanted the classic merch you weren't able to get once the store closed? Well while Tom and the rest continue to pour their souls and ancient wisdom into Nightmare Cops, I'll be off to Magfest and considered it'd be a good chance to bring the goods to the people who want them!

THE GIST: [IF YOU ARE GOING TO MAGFEST] You can buy Newgrounds merch by PM'ing me with what you want, paying the discussed total to the Newgrounds Paypal, and have me deliver it to you at Magfest!

You can check the store pages to get a better look into each product, though the store ended on sale price and due to the extremely limited nature of these we'll be selling them at the original full price as listed by each item here. Also, I'm only 1 guy with limited space on my trip! So it's first come first serve, and I'll be leaving Wednesday afternoon so I'll work on gathering and packaging up until I leave!

We'll be offering from this selection:

NG Logo Stickers - $0.50 each

Newgrounds Poster -$12.00

Angry Faic Stickers -$0.75 each


Retarded Animal Baby DVDs -$12.00

Pico Sticker Sheet -$0.75 each

TankMen Sticker Sheet -$0.75 each

Emoji Sticker Sheet -$0.75 each

Bitey Brakenwood Shirt -$15.00

Penicorn -$10.00


Madness Poster -$12.00

NG Poster 3-Pack -$16.00

Red Baron Poster -$10.00

New Wave Poster -$10.00

Murshaq Poster -$6.00

1976 Comic -$6.00

TankMen Figures -$20.00


Posted by PhantomArcade - September 21st, 2016

Once again, pretty glad everyone enjoyed the latest cartoon. Newgrounds community is the absolute best, and my favorite. All of my biggest and best projects will be posted here first and foremost, though I usually don't post small stuff on here.


SO THAT BEING SAID: I hope anyone who enjoys my stuff is keeping an eye on the Phantom Arcade Vine account, where I take time to make [mentally devoid] shorts inbetween my larger projects.

Phantom Arcade Vine

Once I have enough footage for a big ol meaty video, you can expect it to be put into a large compilation on here (Newgrounds, duh)! Though some vines will be exclusive to the account, and others will be exclusive to the compilation, so all around, there's shit to look forward to in both. Also there's a lot more full length cartoons, collaborative works, and secret stuff in the making, so stay tuned and I'll keep the updates flowing on here and Twitter.


PS: Mad appreciation to those who share and comment on my stuff. It's what keeps things swingin', long n hard.


Posted by PhantomArcade - May 6th, 2016

Sup guys

I'm overjoyed with all the love Brad n Dan have gotten. It took quite a while to animate those freaks, but was a lot of fun. A big thanks to Tomamoto and Psychicpebbles for doing a perfect job portraying them in voice, I couldn't imagine them sounding like anyone else. And it wouldn't have come out as soon as it did if not for Xsplosive's help in the final weeks. I hope you all enjoy whatever projects come next, and hopefully one of them can be another Brad n Dan episode.


And with that said, I can't wait to see everyone at Pico Day. Last year was pure magic, and I'm beyond ready to see everyone again. Veterans and newcomers alike. If you see me there, say hi!